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Activity Report

Corporate collaborations, events and workshops

At the business conference [Brand Summit Autumn 2023 in Kobe], I provided meditation instruction to 350 corporate participants!

The marketing conference "Brand Summit Autumn 2023" was held for three days from September 6th to 8th at the Kobe Portpia Hotel.

What is Brand Summit?

This is an international conference in a retreat format that brings together corporate advertising and marketing managers and experts from advertising agencies, media, and digital solution partners.

This time, 350 participants gathered to discuss the next trends, innovations, the latest cases, challenges and solutions. It was an exciting three days of networking to expand our network and win in the face of intensifying domestic and international competition .

We held two classes in total.

The first session was a short 10-minute meditation session for all 350 participants during the general program on the second day.

The second time was on the third day, as a morning activity, where we held a one-hour meditation class for those who wanted to attend.

The survey results (first time) were also very good, with 30% of respondents being very satisfied and 52% being satisfied, along with the following comments:

"By the second day I was feeling tired, but I felt refreshed and was able to participate in subsequent sessions."

"After Ako's sessions, my head feels clear and for some reason my neck stiffness has improved - it's the best!"

"It was a very calming experience."

"I was so tense, but I was able to relax."

"I'm glad I was able to change my mindset."

"I felt like my mind was cleared and it was effective even though it was only for a short time!"

Even though it was a short session, it seems that many people felt some effect.

Although there are no survey results for the second morning activity, everyone gathered early in the morning and it was a very enjoyable class.

Although an hour was a long time for those who had never meditated before, many of them commented that it went by in a flash. Everyone seemed to be so focused that the time seemed to go by quickly.

I hope that this opportunity will help everyone feel closer to meditation.

I hope you will incorporate this into your daily life. Thank you very much 😊

I would like to continue spreading mindfulness in the business world. Thank you for your continued support.

#Activist promoting meditation in the business world

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